
Keyword Volume With Keyword Golden Ratio

Did I mention SEO is boring?

It really is the dullest shit on the planet. But take your EV in mind and you can eliminate the idea of doing boring stuff all day long.

SEO supposed to be boring. Just like the most profitable businesses on this planet and outer space (yes for example Space Junk is a real thing), boring businesses bring in the most money.

Consider SEO as a separate subsidiary from your business.

See it as an entire entity on its own, and consider it a BORING BUSINESS.



SEO is 80% research, 20% build. And by build, I mean writing, documenting, taking notes kicking ass, and take names.

SEO experts on Twitter or anywhere else will throw terms like long tail keywords, search volume, or keyword volume around like candy but never provide in-depth context.


And even if they do, then they make it so scientific like they graduated from NASA.

End of the day, it’s pretty simple.

When you are a small business or even solo, you want to balance out your quick and long-term wins in SEO.

How do you get there?

KGR – Keyword Golden Ratio. I will explain this soon enough in this post. But first this:

Keywords and volume

Imagine you sell shoes.

The keyword shoes is pretty huge. But good luck ranking their first.





And I am using Uber Suggest dashboard to share screenshots.

Looks great right? more than 1 million searches per month on the keyword search.

Imagine you capture 1% of those 1 million searches on that keyword. That would be an extra 10K visitors a month.


I have a higher chance dating 3 pornstars at the same time than you ranking on the sole word shoes in the top 10 results.

This is where long tail keywords come in.

If you don’t understand the concept, here is the most simple explanation:

Long tail keywords

Since ranking on the keyword shoes is virtually impossible, you need to find alterations or variations of that keyword.

The consensus on long tail keywords is that they often have a LOWER search volume with LESS competition and a LOW DIFFICULTY TO RANK ON

This can be something like:

  • Red shoes
  • Red shoes with high heels
  • Red shoes for a gala evening
  • Red high heel ladies shoes

So let’s pick

  • Red shoes with high heels
  • Red high heel ladies shoes

And throw them in Uber Suggest for the result:



Any half-baked SEO expert will tell you that the second one is better to target than the first one, because of the SD.

SD stands for SEO Difficulty. 5 being a VERY low number versus Red shoes with high heels scoring 36

Guess what,


They are both equally bad. And total garbage. If any SEO expert approaches you selling this kind of strategy, then you toss them in the bin faster than a pizza with pineapple.



You seek motivation, quick wins, and fast results.

I introduce you, KGR. Or Keyword Golden Ratio.

What the fuck is KGR?

KGR, or Keyword Golden Ratio is a strategy used to find underrated, underserved keywords that you can write about today and rank tomorrow.

Yes, in a day. I had blog posts rank in less than 12 hours in the first place because I was using KGR.

You need to remember AGAIN, that you are building a story in SEO. You want content and build a solid, easy approach to obtain the quick wins that lead you to—- guess what, AUTHORITY.

Following KGR will allow you build a baseline on keywords that have little to ZERO volume.

But, but no volume you say?


All tools out there have data from search engines that is delayed. Something with zero volume today, can have tons of traffic tomorrow just because keyword tools give false positives or inaccurate results.

Your money is where the ZERO VOLUME IS.


YOU WANT TO REACH A 0.25 OR LESS in your math.

For example,

if a search result shows 63 pages in google and the keyword volume is 250 searches as indicated in your tool, you would need to divide 63/250 = 0.252.

How do you find the exact results? by using allintitle:

Which is as close as it gets.


I prefer to go even lower. I like 0.15 more.

But going back to our red shoes results.

Remember that they had 10 volume?

well here is the result:

allintitle:red shoes with high heels

Keyword golden ratio allintitle


That’s 2830 results when your KW tool will indicate 10 KW volume a month.

That means I need to divide 2830/10 = 283 as a score — TOSS IT OUF OF THE WINDOW

allintitle:red high heel ladies shoes

KGR allintitle red shoes


That’s 767 results when your KW tool will indicate 10 KW volume a month.

That means I need to divide 767/10 = 76.7 as a score — TOSS THIS GARBAGE OUT OF THE WINDOW


So how do I get there?

People don’t type in shoes or red shoes in search engines.

People use a search engine like their personal butler. They ask questions.

They could ask:

  • Can I wear red shoes for a gala?
  • Are red shoes appropriate for a wedding?

These are the types of questions you, me or anyone else asks.

I did not think about this, I just came up with those two sentences without using a tool.

The first two, using the allintitle: command showed zero result.

Which is good. Because you can just rank from day 1 on this question.

But it’s not GREAT EITHER.

So what the fuck then?

Well here is a PRIME EXAMPLE:

What I did was in Uber Suggest:

  • Filtered the keyword red shoes
  • Went to the RELATED TAB instead of Suggestions.
  • Selected volume between 1-1000
  • SEO Difficulty between 0-35
  • Scouted the results


And BINGO BANGO. Found my golden goose right there.


What does red shoes mean with a volume of 590 and an SD of 5

allintitle:what does red shoes mean

7 results

7/590 = KGR score of 0.011

Now who’s the dumbass?

The SEO expert that will tell you that you need to target long-tail keywords and low volume or the idiot typing here applying a simple method (KGR) that can produce results overnight?


Final Note:

Did I mention SEO is boring?

Do you realize now how stupid it looks to go over hundreds of keywords and go back and forth to your search engine and find that KGR ratio under 0.25?

But does it also give you a confidence boost that YOU CAN produce fast results?

All you need to do is:

  • Make a list of topics
  • Find related keywords according to my example
  • Document the potentials or export the results and paste them in your Excel file.
  • Sit on your ass all day and type in allintitle: until you find your golden eggs.
  • Start writing a blog around that specific keyword.


For the haters that will argue with me that it’s pointless.

It’s not. It is the fastest way for beginners to understand what the fuck it’s all about.

It’s also a VERY simple method that eliminates all the noise in SEO for you to start ranking in a blog.


It’s a WAY to build your AUTHORITY in your business.

You want to target the keyword red shoes? you can, just not today. Just not the way you think it goes.

You build dozens if not hundreds of blog posts around specific keywords based on the KGR formula that build a foundation to a hyper-competitive keyword like red shoes and you get there.

The upside with KGR is that it’s easy to learn and anyone can apply it.

The upside is that for YOU as a solo founder or Indie hacker, you can see immediate results in your blog and SEO efforts which serves as a catalyst for motivation.

Now let’s move on to the writing and posts.